Courses / Modules / MEDI5016 Clinical Professional Skills Assessment (CPSA) (Final)

Clinical Professional Skills Assessment (CPSA) (Final)

When you'll study it
Whole Academic Year
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Mark Jackson
Academic year

Module overview

This module comprises the clinical professional skills assessment (CPSA) component of ‘Finals’ along with revision sessions. The CPSA module is aligned to the proposed plans for the MLA, and will be updated as the GMC defined key performance indicators are developed to ensure it is compliant with the GMC medical licensing clinical professional skills assessment. This module is a synoptic assessment module incorporating all previous modules in the programme and together with the other 3 assessment modules constitutes ‘Finals’.

The BM programmes are highly contextualised and integrated programmes in which the application of knowledge and understanding, clinical skills and professional practice applicable to medicine are learned through a range of modules none of which are standalone modules and therefore this module should be recognised by teachers and students alike as part of the whole programme. The CPSA Module in BM final year is studied along with 3 other assessment modules (Applied Knowledge assessment, Workplace based assessment module and Data Interpretation and Summarisation Assessment module), The emphasis of the assessments for each of the modules aligns with the focus of learning for that module, however the integrated nature of the course means that there will undoubtedly be overlap and aspects of the assessment in each module will draw upon learning from modules studied in earlier years as well as modules studied in that year. The final year CPSA module has been purposely designed to assess learning outcomes covered in any of the modules within the programme.