Courses / Modules / MEDI6224 Advanced Scientific Skills

Advanced Scientific Skills

CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Rahul Tare
Academic year

Module overview

The module consists of four workshops on:

1) Analysis and critical appraisal of large datasets

2) Bringing your science to the public

3) Scientific writing

4) Preparation of a research grant proposal

In addition there will be two sessions on:

1) The preparation and presentation of a scientific poster

2) Clinical/commercial translation and technology transfer

The 'analysis and critical appraisal of large datasets' workshop will combine a seminar and a general discussion to clarify any points and frame any questions arising from the lecture that the students find interesting. The students will be required to write a review of data visualisation techniques and their applications.

In the 'bringing your science to the public' workshop, the students will learn how to communicate their research effectively to the public and will present their Research Project 1 in lay terms.

In the 'scientific writing' workshop, the students will be introduced to academic/scientific writing skills.

The 'research grant proposal' workshop will consist of a seminar followed by a session in which the students will prepare an outline grant proposal. This will equip the students to prepare a three-year research grant proposal with support from either the Research Project 1 or Research Project 2 supervisor. This module will build on key components of Research Skills for Biomedical Science 1 where students learn to develop a research hypothesis in addition to statistical methodology. This will enable students to gain understanding and develop the skills required to design and write a competitive, three-year research grant proposal which will be an extension of either their first, or second research project

The two remaining sessions will focus on skills required to prepare and present a scientific poster and strategies for the commercialisation of research output.