Courses / Modules / MUSI2148 Them Changes: Composing and arranging for jazz and jazz influenced genres.

Them Changes: Composing and arranging for jazz and jazz influenced genres.

When you'll study it
Semester 1
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 5
Module lead
Daniel Mar-Molinero
Academic year

Module overview

This module gives students a chance to compose for jazz and jazz influenced ensembles.

This module will embrace the rich tradition of jazz writing and its conventions as heard in the works of the great jazz composers, such as Duke Ellington, Herbie Hancock and Wayne Shorter. The module will explore contemporary approaches from artists as developed by composers such as Gil Evans, Kenny Wheeler and Maria Schneider.

We will also look at how crossover composers such as Jacob Collier, Louis Cole and Snarky Puppy have integrated jazz composition techniques into their music too.