Module overview
Following a professional and values based philosophical approach, the practice experience provides a work-based environment to enable you to apply the theoretical knowledge and skills learnt in academic module/s. It also aims develop, consolidate, and enhance the practice knowledge, skills and professional behaviour and performance required for a midwife. Modular learning outcomes tested through a practice based assessment and specified essential skills must be achieved in each placement. The practice modules across the programme link with a nationally NMC validated Midwifery Ongoing Record of Achievement (MORA) portfolio whereby all practice activity will be evidenced.
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Use effective communication and interpersonal skills with clients, their families and the interprofessional team, always respecting professional boundaries
- Use a variety of formats to produce clear, concise and complete records, using appropriate professional language to document and monitor effectiveness of care, care whilst applying the principles of data protection
- Describe and demonstrate application of the principles of confidentiality in professional practice
- Demonstrate respect and dignity for clients and their families
- Demonstrate achievement of core Year 1 proficiencies
- Demonstrate the ability to engage with women and their families to build caring professional relationships
Nursing and Midwifery Council Pre-registration Midwifery Standards
EU Requirements to include any future amendments
School and programme requirements
Programme threads are linked throughout and include:
- Infant feeding principles
- Medicines management
- Mental health and well-being
- Values Based Enquiry Journey
- Making every contact count
- Continuity of carer
- Leadership
- Coaching
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
Practice experience is supported by direct supervision from midwifery practice assessors/supervisors and other healthcare professionals. Although you have supernumerary status you are expected to be involved in direct care covering a range of shift patterns across a 24 hour period Monday to Sunday inclusive. Opportunities exist in each practice experience for you to arrange additional learning experiences to meet your learning needs. The module includes:
- An application of research to practice workshop (1 day per practice experience led by your Academic Assessor)
- A reflection and evaluation seminar (1 days per practice experience led by your Academic Assessor)
- Blackboard resources
- Online resources including School website at
- Academic support in practice, student and midwifery assessors/supervisors progress review
- Access to Professional Midwifery Advocates and opportunities to experience Restorative Clinical Supervision
- Access to Practice partner led activities such as clinical review events and learning opportunities
Type | Hours |
Teaching | 15 |
Placement | 357 |
Completion of assessment task | 3 |
Total study time | 375 |
Resources & Reading list
General Resources
The practice learning portal via Blackboard.
Internet Resources
Guidance on using social media responsibly.
Better Births: Improving Outcomes of maternity services in England. National Maternity Review.
Assessment strategy
You will have access to a nationally NMC validated Midwifery On-going Record of Achievement (MORA) portfolio, as will your midwifery practice assessors/supervisors throughout the practice experience. This forms the basis of regular discussions of learning needs and also ensures records of achievement are completed regularly. You will take responsibility for the collation and organisation of your evidence and assessments within the MORA for presentation in line with the assessment requirements.
Each practice experience requires an assessment. The assessment must be overseen by a qualified midwife practice assessor/supervisor who holds currency and as per the NMC (2018) Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment. Sufficient time should be planned and set aside to complete the assessment. Assessments should be carried out within the context of practice so that evidence of skills, attitudes and knowledge is captured. It may be appropriate to use a combination of assessment methods e.g. questioning and/or direct observation. Questioning allows the midwifery practice assessors/supervisors to assess knowledge and attitudes, whilst observation measures accuracy of practice and level of autonomy. Best practice encourages you to provide a portfolio of evidence demonstrating user feedback, personal reflections, personal development planning and evaluation, attendance, feedback from members of the multi-disciplinary team, etc.
Review 2: Formative assessment
As part of the assessment for the module, midwifery practice assessors/supervisors will provide you with written and verbal feedback which you will collate in a portfolio of evidence to support the year 1, review 2 assessment. Within your MORA portfolio is a ‘holistic performance descriptor level 4’ which will be used to accompany your clinical year. Completion of this at strategic points across your year will highlight your development and progression through the practice journey and will be required for the final end of year assessment. Results will be discussed with you at the time of completion to ensure timely feedback so that where identified, there are opportunities to improve prior to the summative assessment. Where learning needs are identified, feedback should be delivered with sensitivity and in a manner which will enhance learning. Learning needs should be made explicit in the comments section and should be written by both you and your midwifery practice assessors/supervisors following the assessment and discussed with your academic assessor.
Summative holistic assessment
Near to the end of practice experience the summative holistic assessment is completed within the MORA alongside the final ‘holistic performance descriptor level 4’. You are required to receive an ‘achieved’ award to pass the module. Results will be discussed with you at the time of completion to ensure timely feedback. Where learning needs are identified, feedback should be delivered with sensitivity and in a manner which will enhance learning. Comments should be written by both you and your midwifery practice assessor following the assessment and discussed with the academic assessor. If a ‘not achieved’ is recorded, any learning needs must be documented and made explicit in the comments section. This will be undertaken in tandem with your academic assessor whereby you will be required to complete a written reflection regarding the areas for development and completion of a learning agreement. Both the practice assessor and academic assessor will agree the finalisation of both the reflection and learning agreement which will then be used to support your retrieval assessment.
Summary of assessment methods
Assessment requirements
You are required to record an ‘achieved’ in the following core areas to pass the module:
- Practises in accordance with The Code (NMC 2015 and updated in 2018)
- Understands the need to practice in a way which respects, promotes and supports individual rights, interests, preferences, beliefs and cultures
- Aware of the need for effective communication throughout the pre-conception, antenatal, intrapartum and post-natal periods
- Maintains confidentiality of information following GDPR
Inability to achieve these outcomes will constitute a fail overall.
If you have failed the assessment at first attempt you are required to complete a written reflection addressing areas to be ‘achieved’ [1000-1500 words] plus a learning agreement [must be agreed with both academic assessor and practice assessor prior to next placement experience] to be assessed at review 2. A recording of ‘not achieved’ at review 2 will result in withdrawal from the programme.
This module is based within a clinical environment and can only be attempted in-person. Only two total attempts are allowed, irrespective of the regulatory conditions under which it is attempted. Any student who must re-attempt this module in a subsequent academic year must do so in attendance, as there is no external option.
If this is the only module taken in a specific academic year then the student will be suspended when not directly on placement. The attempt will be subject to pro-rata fees liability, which will be calculated based upon the credit total of the module. Any student choosing to re-attempt the module accepts the conditions described above and the fees liabilities defined, this includes any student who attempts this module as part of the conditional progression policy.
This is how we’ll give you feedback as you are learning. It is not a formal test or exam.
- Assessment Type: Formative
- Feedback:
- Final Assessment: No
- Group Work: No
Individual reflection
- Assessment Type: Formative
- Feedback:
- Final Assessment: No
- Group Work: No
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
This is how we’ll assess you if you don’t meet the criteria to pass this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |