Courses / Modules / OPTO6012 Project


When you'll study it
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Collin Sones
Academic year

Module overview

The topics of research projects will cover different concepts in photonic materials and in design, fabrication and testing of device-oriented applications in photonic technology.

Each student will work under a supervision of a senior research/academic staff member. A project will start with a meeting between a student and a supervisor, where technical goals, a workplan and the schedule of work will be agreed.

Weekly meetings will then take place throughout the project duration with a supervisor or, if a supervisor is unavailable, a delegated deputy. The Project coordinator will need to be notified about such arrangements and know the names of those temporary deputies. Following the research part of the project, a report will be written up by the student that will cover both the results achieved as well as covering in-depth their relevant physics and engineering background.

The students should aim to complete all research and data analysis by the end of August to allow sufficient time for writing up reports. The deadline for submitting the reports is in early September.

In case of late submission, the standard, University approved penalties will apply, except for well justified cases. Any such extensions have to be requested in advance and in writing to the Project Module coordinators.

A part of the project is the “industrial showcase” which involves interaction with the relevant industry (photonic technologies) giving a flavour of the business aspect of the technology to the students. The students learn how to conduct a SWOT analysis to evaluate the performance of a business and are asked to write a short essay. The industrial showcase takes place during the Easter holiday and includes a full week of interacting with local industry. The assignment should be completed within 15 days after showcase week.