Courses / Modules / PAIR1011 A (Dis) United Kingdom? Myth and Reality in British Politics

A (Dis) United Kingdom? Myth and Reality in British Politics

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 4
Module lead
Daniel Devine
Academic year

Module overview

Recent referenda on UK withdrawal from the European Union and Scottish withdrawal from the UK appear to have brought simmering tensions in politics on these islands to the fore - or perhaps even created a newly polarised politics. Moreover, while support for nationalist parties has increased, support for the traditional parties of left and right that have dominated Westminster politics for the last 100 years seems to have returned. What are political scientists to make of current UK politics? The module takes and interactive and open-ended approach to teaching and learning. Students will leave the module with a greater understanding of the institutions and actors that have shaped modern British politics. The module aims to equip students with social science tools and vocabulary that will enable them to better navigate, predict, and intervene positively in politics in the UK.