Courses / Modules / RESM3002 Advanced Social Data Science

Advanced Social Data Science

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Andrew Channon
Academic year

Module overview

The human sciences are evolving fast to incorporate new forms of data and powerful new analysis tools.

Advances in machine learning have allowed huge improvements in our ability to predict individual characteristics and preferences, while our interactions with networked devices and online stores and services produce ‘digital breadcrumbs’ that can lead us to new insights about behaviour. The types of sources which social researchers now investigate include data on trends in search terms, online review databases, and many others.

At the same time, these methods and data sources generate important ethical issues that we must consider.

This module will provide students with crucial skills in data manipulation and visualisation, programming and the application of machine learning methods to social data. These skills have wide-ranging applications in research business, and the public sector.

Linked modules

Pre-reqs: RESM3001 or ECON1011 or ECON2040