Module overview
The atmospheric and gravitational processes present on the earth generate flows of wind and water. This module studies these resources and practical methods/technologies for extracting cost-effective electrical and other energy conversions. The main focus is on wind, wave and tidal energy devices including the use of turbines for low and high head hydroelectric schemes. Systems considered include the vital aspect of marine energy in the offshore environment including installation and system survivability. A final section considers how large scale (up to GW scale) arrays of devices should be sited and operated together. Design and laboratory assignments explore the physics and analytical methods used to assess device cost-effectiveness.
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Subject Specific Practical Skills
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Match performance of energy device to suitable generator system.
- Examine possible response modes and likely issues associated with long-term operation.
- Carry out Blade Element Momentum analysis calculations for turbine performance.
- Estimate the energy yield of a specific site based on knowledge of annual variation in sea state or wind speed or marine current
- Carry out experimental laboratory and data analysis to test the performance of wave energy devices
- Calculate structural loads on devices as well as on foundations, fixings/mooring systems.
Knowledge and Understanding
Having successfully completed this module, you will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
- Assess physical principles that can be used to extract usable energy from wind, wave and current
- Formulate fluid dynamic analysis of potential or actual devices for extracting energy from the environment.
- Appraise the methods of calculating the resultant structural loads and responses due to environmental flows.
- Appraise how devices are sited and the considerations required for installation, maintenance, operational control and eventual decommissioning
- Predict the dynamics of the ocean and atmosphere required to estimate energy extraction resources.
Subject Specific Intellectual and Research Skills
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Assess performance of wind and current turbines alongside a selection of wave energy devices.
- Assemble and critically review technical literature relevant to renewable energy.
- Judge the trade-offs between suitable sites and issues associated with performance of renewable energy systems.
- Appraise the complexities associated with their potential environmental impact on noise, visual intrusion, marine life alongside safety of shipping as well as benefits through savings in CO2.
Partial CEng Programme Level Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Design renewable energy solutions for complex problems that meet a combination of societal, user, business and customer needs as appropriate. This involves consideration of applicable health safety, diversity, inclusion, cultural, societal, environmental and commercial matters, codes of practice and industry standards.
- Select and apply appropriate computational and analytical techniques to model wind , wave and tidal energy systems, recognising the trade-off of analytical cost against numbers of design evaluated
Transferable and Generic Skills
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Awareness of interaction between engineering system design and local environment.
- Think, observe, communicate, evaluate information and data, analyse and solve problems.
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- M1/C1 Apply a comprehensive knowledge of mathematics, statistics, natural science and engineering principles to the solution of the complex problem of matching a renewable energy system to a specific resource. As a rapidly evolving area much of the knowledge is at the forefront of research in wind, wave and tidal energy systems and informed by a critical awareness due to long standing research expertise in the School of Engineering in this area. M2/C2 Formulate and analyse complex environmental flow regimes and device performance to reach substantiated conclusions as to the most effective solution at a given site. This involves evaluating available data using first principles of mathematics, statistics, natural science and engineering principles, and using engineering judgment to work with information that may be uncertain or incomplete, discussing the limitations of the techniques employed M4/C4 Select and critically evaluate technical renewable energy literature and other sources of information to solve M6/C6 Apply an integrated or systems approach based on use of analytical methods, computational tools and model scale experimental tests to the solution of complex problem of ship energy efficiency M7/C7 Evaluate the environmental and societal impact of solutions to the complexities of balance of societal/environmental challenges in context of environmental impact at local vs global benefits of renewable systems. This includes the effect of end-of-life decommissioning and trade offs of operational/maintenance risks M12/C12 Use practical and workshop skills in the laboratory in the 138 m x 6 m x 3.5 m Boldrewood tank to investigate complex performance of a point absorber wave energy device as a function of wave frequency and power take off. M15/C15 Apply knowledge of engineering management principles and commercial context to the design of wind and tidal arrays C3 Select and apply appropriate computational and analytical techniques to model wind , wave and tidal energy systems, recognising the trade-off of analytical cost against numbers of design evaluated C5 Design renewable energy solutions for complex problems that meet a combination of societal, user, business and customer needs as appropriate. This involves consideration of applicable health safety, diversity, inclusion, cultural, societal, environmental and commercial matters, codes of practice and industry standards
- Overview of Environmental Energy Extraction Techniques: wind, wave and current
- Survey of existing devices: what is in use, where are they located, operational issues, likely developments
- Review of Fluid Dynamic Theory for renewable environmental device: potential flow/viscous flow, wave theory, bernoulli's, boundary layers, incompressible/compressible, cavitation, noise
- Dynamics of Ocean (wave statistics and associated energy, interaction of tide on currents, geostrophic phenomena, local bathymetry
- Dynamics of Atmosphere: overview of process of surface shear generating boundary layers, thermal effects giving rise to global weather systems, local wind profiles and methods of calculating influence of surface roughness on profiles, wind gradients, turbulence levels.
- Suitable sites: use of energy density surveys, measuring devices for specific sites, calculating annual yield, fluctuations in supply, use of probabilistic techniques.
- Analysis techniques: Blade element momentum theory for wind/wave - horizontal axis, vertical axis, uses of ducts, controllable vs fixed pitch, coastal wave, tidal lagoons, floating
wave energy devices. turbines for low and high head systems. Matching power to generator system. Use of more advanced CFD.
- Environmental Loading: Possible support structures, foundations, piles, moorings. Loads on device itself -centripetal, environmental, fatigue, noise generation.
- Structural Response: How device and support structure respond to applied loads - motions in wave, necessary sizing for components, issues of maintainability, installation, operational.
Classification and certification.
- GW scale devices: Array performance for wind, wave and tidal systems. Interaction effects. Effects on costs and installation processes as well as operational /maintenance issues.
- Environmental Impact, Societal Interactions and Safety: What are the issues for specific site, planning permission process, managing public understanding, EIA, mitigating negative impacts on wildlife etc, operational safety.
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
Teaching methods include
- Lectures and tutorials including industry lectures.
- Computer design laboratories and use of the Boldrewood 138 m long towing tank laboratory to study wave energy devices.
- Blackboard based studies.
Learning activities include
- Directed reading.
- Analytical assignments (three: one on design of offshore wind turbine, one on laboratory assessment of wave energy device at model and full scale (formative), one of performance of array of tidal turbines.
- Access to web-based materials.
Type | Hours |
Seminar | 2 |
Lecture | 24 |
Tutorial | 2 |
Preparation for scheduled sessions | 24 |
Completion of assessment task | 24 |
Follow-up work | 12 |
Practical classes and workshops | 9 |
Revision | 29 |
Wider reading or practice | 24 |
Total study time | 150 |
Resources & Reading list
General Resources
Wind Energy Handbook. Published technical literature, Renewable Energy UK,, ISSC, Wind Energy Handbook, DECC/TSB Website, EWTEC.EWEC conference proceedings, Renewable Energy Journal
Assessment strategy
The design assignments: one each for wind, wave and tide embed the knowledge of how such systems can be sized and he wider engineering aspects. A closed book two hour exam tests the fundamental understanding.
This is how we’ll give you feedback as you are learning. It is not a formal test or exam.
A lab report
- Assessment Type: Formative
- Feedback: Students will present findings as a group and receive feedback via group discussion
- Final Assessment: No
- Group Work: No
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Exam | 60% |
Continuous Assessment | 40% |
This is how we’ll assess you if you don’t meet the criteria to pass this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Set Task | 100% |
An internal repeat is where you take all of your modules again, including any you passed. An external repeat is where you only re-take the modules you failed.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Set Task | 100% |
Repeat Information
Repeat type: Internal & External