Module overview
Linked modules
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Ability to make detailed and annotated petrographic sketches from thin-section observation and to summarise the salient features and relate the chemistry of the system and environment of formation.
- Identify key textural/micro structural features of igneous and metamorphic rocks and appreciate the significance of such features with regard to geological processes that have operated.
- Ability to interpret phase diagrams relevant to igneous systems and petrogenic grids relevant to metamorphic systems on the basis of mineral assemblages recorded in the rock.
- Assess the magmatic processes that generate the variety of igneous rocks and compositions.
- Identify the common rock forming minerals of igneous and metamorphic rocks in both hand specimen and thin-section (using a transmitted light microscope) and classify the rock.
- Assess the processes and conditions that generate the variety of metamorphic rocks .
Methods: Coverage of igneous and metamorphic rock classification (mineralogical/geochemical); the use of geochemistry in petrogenetic concepts; an introduction to phase petrology and the concepts of partial melting and fractional crystallisation; a brief review of the main igneous rock spectrum and their tectonic setting.
Covering the concept of metamorphic facies as a means of defining P-T conditions and how mineral assemblages can be used to recreate the metamorphic history of a rock.
Practicals: Hand specimen and thin-section description of various igneous and metamorphic rocks.
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
Formal lectures: will provide an introduction to the theory underlying metamorphism, phase petrology, igneous rock classification and the use of geochemistry in petrogenetic concepts.
Practical classes & demonstrations: will exemplify the theory and allow you to develop skills in hand specimen and thin section description of various igneous and metamorphic rocks. Practical classes are fully interactive affording hands-on experience of using geological equipment under laboratory conditions. Practical manuals are an integral part of the course.
A wide range of support can be provided for those students who have further or specific learning and teaching needs.
Type | Hours |
Lecture | 24 |
Independent Study | 81 |
Practical | 45 |
Total study time | 150 |
Assessment strategy
Exam (40%): digital exam answering theory questions about igneous and metamorphic petrology. Questions will test understanding and skills as much as knowledge, through the use of photos and diagrams of petrological structures, textures and processes.
Igneous/volcanic practical examination (30%): a practical examination of petrological techniques in igneous systems – based on thin section description of multiple igneous rocks.
Metamorphic practical examination (30%): a practical examination of petrological techniques in metamorphic systems – based on thin section description of multiple metamorphic rocks.
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Practical examination | 30% |
Exam | 40% |
Practical examination | 30% |
Repeat Information
Repeat type: Internal & External