Module overview
An introductory module for MSc/MRes students.
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Understand the physical processes that control the distribution of water properties and the movement of those properties in the ocean.
- Understand the range of time and space scales that exist from small scale mixing processes, O(sec, cm) to the global ocean circulation, O(1000years, 10000km).
- Be able to analyse and interpret datasets of physical components of an estuarine system
- Understand the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and its link to global climate variability and change
- Be able to sample the physical components of an estuarine system
- To demonstrate awareness of methods to sample the physical variables of the ocean system
- Apply your knowledge and understanding to solve mathematical problems related to physical oceanography.
- Understand the role of the physical ocean variability in the earth’s climate system
Transferable and Generic Skills
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- problem solving.
- team working at sea;
- report writing on fieldwork;
- time management;
Topics covered will include: the physical properties of sea water, the dynamics of wind-driven ocean circulation, description of the thermohaline circulation and the role of the ocean in climate variability.
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
Formal Lectures: 20 x 50 minute lectures will provide an introduction to the theory underlying the physics of the ocean. Each lecture systematically covers the main concepts and topics via a mixture of PowerPoint presentations, white-board equations and overheads. Lectures are supported by illustrated handout materials. Where relevant, the lecturer's own research experience is brought into the lecturing sessions. References to the applicable chapter of course text and/or relevant journal articles are provided as supplementary reading for each lecture.
Practical Sessions: 2 x 50 minute tutorials on mathematical notation and methods.
Support: 7 x 50 minute tutorials covering mathematical problems and their solutions will be offered.
A wide range of support can be provided for those students who have further or specific learning and teaching needs.
Type | Hours |
Independent Study | 56 |
Lecture | 22 |
Tutorial | 9 |
Total study time | 87 |
Resources & Reading list
Open University. Ocean Circulation.
Stewart, R. H. Introduction to Physical Oceanography.
Gill, A. E. Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics.
Pond, S. and G. L. Pickard. Introductory Dynamic Oceanography.
Lacombe, H. Cours D'Oceanographie Physique.
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Exam | 80% |
Report | 20% |
Repeat Information
Repeat type: Internal & External