Courses / Modules / SPAN2006 High, Popular, Mass Culture: Cultural Hybridity and Globalization in Latin America and Spain

High, Popular, Mass Culture: Cultural Hybridity and Globalization in Latin America and Spain

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 5
Module lead
Jane Lavery
Academic year

Module overview

This module examines high, popular and mass cultural forms in twentieth century Spain and Latin America. Attention is particularly paid to the political uses made of those different forms. The module explores the function of popular culture in predominantly rural societies where literacy is low, and the co-option of selective aspects of popular culture for high-cultural purposes. It discusses notions of mass reproduction and its cultural consequences for cultural form and audience response, including the appropriation of mass culture and as developed in Cultural Studies. Recent developments in the field of Cultural Studies will also include notions of globalisation and cultural hybridity. This module will explore how the processes by which certain texts are incorporated into the high-cultural canon, paying attention to texts which have been read both as popular culture and as high culture. Material studied includes theoretical writings on high, popular and mass culture, as well as notions of cultural hybridity and globalisation. Texts studied might include popular prints; photography; popular music; popular cinema; fiction; festivities.