Courses / Modules / SPAN3012 Sex, Soap Operas and Female Dissidents: Representations of Women in the Hispanic World

Sex, Soap Operas and Female Dissidents: Representations of Women in the Hispanic World

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Jane Lavery
Academic year

Module overview

This course will introduce you to a range of examples of Spanish American (e.g. may include Puerto Rican,

Argentinean, and Mexican [American]) and Iberian cultural production from the period of the 1980s to the 21st century, in order to provide a sense of the variety of production in this period. The module will examine various examples of cultural production by/on women in order to explore representations of female sexuality, gender and the body. Debates surrounding identity, race and gender within a political and historical context will be examined, and the ways in which these have influenced female writers, film directors and artists. Some of these writers and artists seek to give voice to silenced experiences of women and to explore alternative articulations of identity in response to a climate of terror, oppression or violence. In order to determine their usefulness as instruments of cultural and political resistance, various texts will be placed within a broader theoretical context, particularly within the framework of the contemporary Postmodern/Postcolonial/Western/ (Post)feminist / Intersectional and Latin American feminist (literary) debate and within a broader Gender/Cultural Studies context.