Courses / Modules / SSPC2003 Qualitative Research: Methods, Tools and Techniques

Qualitative Research: Methods, Tools and Techniques

When you'll study it
Semester 1
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 5
Module lead
Rebecca Taylor
Academic year

Module overview

This module builds on year 1 research methods teaching. It aims to give students a rigorous critical understanding of a broad range of qualitative data collection and data analysis methods. It covers traditional methods such as interviews and focus groups and documentary research, as well as more cutting-edge tools such as social media analysis and online ethnography. It features an NVivo masterclass for those who are keen to improve their qualitative data analysis skills using the latest software. The module features real world research examples including studies by staff in order to bring these tools and techniques to life. Teaching is partly focused on practical skills but also about learning to critically evaluate the quality of qualitative research The qualitative research methods and tools, students learn about on the module may well be the ones they go on to use in their dissertation, so the module provides an important building block for the final year. As with other research methods modules in the school, the aim is to provide students with robust research skills they can take with them into the labour market.