Research group

Energy Technology Group

Wind turbines

We research modern scientific and technological challenges faced by the world, with a focus on energy efficiency, emerging energy technologies and sustainability.

Part of Engineering


We explore new approaches to energy efficiency and develop new sustainable technology. Our activities are supported by the latest computing and experimental facilities and are funded by research councils, TSB, industry and the EU. 

Our 8 research laboratories cover these mainstream and renewable energy technologies: 

  • thermal energy 
  • institute of cryogenics 
  • electrochemical engineering 
  • solar energy 
  • maritime energy 
  • electromechanical energy 
  • materials for energy 
  • energy management and control 

People, projects and publications


Dr Sam Perry PhD, FHEA, MRSC

Teaching Fellow in Chemistry

Research interests

  • Chemistry Education
  • Sustainable practices
  • Carbon sequestration
Connect with Sam

Dr Wendell Bailey

Principal Enterprise Fellow
Connect with Wendell

Professor Yifeng Yang

Prof. of Cryogenics & Superconductivity

Research interests

  • Superconducting devices and machines
  • Enabling sciences of applied superconductivity
  • Material properties at low temperature for applications

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Yifeng

Dr Zheng Jiang

Connect with Zheng

Dr Zhenzhou Wang

Research Fellow CERN-STFC HL-LHC Project

Research interests

  • Characterisation of in-situ material behaviours for liquid hydrogen fuel storage and distribution system and cryogenic material testing method standardisation
  • Analytical and numerical modelling of composite materials
  • Adapting artificial intelligence techniques for multi-objective design optimisation of composite materials/structures
Connect with Zhenzhou
My research interests include electric vehicles, energy storage, renewable energy and condition monitoring.
Associate Dean Infrastructure