Doctor Hao Dong

Dr Hao Dong

 PhD, MRes
Senior Lecturer in Management

Research interests

  • Agile project management
  • Digital transformation & AI
  • Cultural entrepreneurship and their supply chains

More research

Accepting applications from PhD students.


Dr Hao Dong is a Senior Lecturer in Management at the University of Southampton Business School. Hao brings a wide range of knowledge across socioeconomics and business studies to explore how human action and genuinely responsible management can contribute to true sustainability. 

                 'tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito'

Hao is the Director of Strategy & Collaboration of the Advanced Project Management Research Centre (APROM). Please visit APROM site for further details. He has acquired membership of professional bodies and networks, including British Academy of Management (BAM), Association for Project Management (APM), Mises Institute, UK Society for Co-operative Studies (UKSCS), and Institute of Directors (IoD).  


  • Director of Strategy & Collaboration of APROM Research Centre
  • Member of the Ethics, Responsibility and Sustinability Committee
  • Visiting associated professor at UFPR, Brazil
  • PhD Liason Officer
  • Policy & consulting advisor

Projects & Fund:

  • 2023-2025 - Digital Transformation in Public and Private Sector Project Management, funded by APM, the UK chartered Association for Project Management
  • 2022-2023 - ESRC Impact Acceleration Account
  • 2022-2023 - International co-operatives in post-pandemic era
  • 2022 & 2023 FSS Career Development Funds
  • 2022 Post Crisis Project & Supply Management: Towards Supply Chain Sustainability & Security in Global South
  • 2021-2022 - SBS Research Grant
  • 2020-2022 - Understanding Agile Project Management, funded by APM, the UK chartered Association for Project Management
  • 2015 onwards – several projects sponsored by business school and external funding bodies including international institutes and industrial partners