Mrs Annabelle Somers

Mrs Annabelle Somers

Research interests

  • Sustainable Food Security
  • Micronutrients and Health
  • Crop Improvement for Nutrition

More research

Connect with Annabelle


Research interests

  • Sustainable Food Security
  • Micronutrients and Health
  • Crop Improvement for Nutrition
  • Underutilised Crops

Current research

Annabelle is currently in her second year of the four SoCoBio Doctoral Training Programme. Her project is titled 'Achieving micronutrient security in a post pandemic and post EU-exit world – “Parsnips as a superfood”', supervised by Prof Guy Poppy (University of Southampton), Dr Jenny Baverstock (University of Southampton), Dr Eleftheria Stavridou (NIAB EMR), Prof Philip Calder (University of Southampton) and Dr Frances Gawthrop (Tozer Seeds).