Professor Alan J Murphy

Professor Alan J Murphy

Professor in Maritime Engineering

Research interests

  • Decarbonising shipping
  • Emission reduction from ships
  • Energy efficiency for maritime systems and ship propulsion

More research

Accepting applications from PhD students.

Connect with Alan J


Alan has a background as a professional sea-going Dual Officer in the British Merchant Navy with a subsequent academic education in Naval Architecture and Experimental Hydrodynamics.

His research interests in Maritime Engineering focus on sustainable and emission-free ships, ports and other maritime systems. This includes: Net zero maritime propulsion and energy systems; Ship emission reduction; Energy saving technologies in maritime systems; Real-world monitoring & data exploitation to improve the design and operation of ships & shipping, including ports; Autonomous systems in the maritime environment and; Indices, policy & regulation.

He is the UK standing committee member for the International Symposium on the Practical Design of Ships and other Floating Structures (PRADS) and the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Maritime Engineering.

Alan is a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects and a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Shipwrights.

Alan teaches in the areas of maritime machinery & propulsion systems and thermofluids.