Centre for Clinical and Community Applications of Health Psychology


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Tony Kendrick, Adam W.A. Geraghty, Hannah Bowers, Beth Stuart, Geraldine Leydon, Carl May, Guiqing Yao, Wendy O'Brien, Marta Glowacka, Simone Holley, Samantha Williams, Shihua Zhu, Rachel Dewar-Haggart, Bryan Palmer, Margaret Bell, Sue Collinson, Imogen Fry, Glyn Lewis, Gareth Griffiths, Simon Gilbody, Joanna Moncrieff, Michael Moore, Una Macleod, Paul Little & Christopher Dowrick, 2020, Trials, 21(1), 1-15
Type: review
Cynthia A. Graham, Richard A. Crosby, Stephanie A. Sanders, Virginia J. Vitzhum, Robin R. Milhausen & William L. Yarber, 2020, International Journal of Sexual Health, 32(2), 130-140
Type: article
Edward Duncan, Alicia O'Cathain, Nikki Rousseau, Liz Croot, Katie Sworn, Katrina Turner, Lucy Yardley & Pat Hoddinott, 2020, BMJ Open, 10(4), e033516
Type: article