Active Living


Browse our publications catalogue to learn about our research.
Laura Diment, RaksmeyMutta Nguon, Sovansereyrathna Seng, Vannsnavy Sit, Ply Lors, Phearsa Thor, Samedy Srors, Sisary Kheng, Malcolm Granat, Margaret Donovan-Hall, Peter Worsley & Alexander Dickinson, 2022, Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 19(42)
Type: article
Prue Molyneux, Catherine Bowen, Richard Ellis, Keith Rome, Aaron Jackson & Matthew Carroll, 2021, Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology
Type: review
Emily, Sarah Kelly, Peter Worsley, Catherine, Jane Bowen, Lindsey Cherry, Bethany Keenan, Christopher Edwards, Neil O'Brien, Leonard King & Alexander Dickinson, 2021, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 9
Type: article
Deborah Thackray, Ruth Turk, Laura Rossiter, Rachel Dadswell, Karen Witts, Carrie Hamilton, Cheryl Metcalf, Keith McCormick, Emma Cowley, Belinda Judd & Jennie Brentnall, 2021, International Journal of Healthcare Simulation, 1(Suppl1), A41-A41
Type: article