Centre for Empirical Research in Finance and Banking (CERFIB)


Browse our publications catalogue to learn about our research.
Suma Athreye, Abubakr Saeed & Muhammad Saad Baloch, 2021, Journal of World Business, 56(3)
Type: article
Erdinc Akyildirim, Shaen Corbet, Ahmet Sensoy & Larisa Yarovaya, 2020, Journal of Corporate Finance, 65
Type: article
Subhadip Mukherjee, Soumyatanu Mukherjee, Tapas Mishra, Udo Broll & Mamata Parhi, 2020, European Journal of Finance, 27(8), 752-773
Type: article
Surendranath Jory, Hinh Khieu, Thanh Ngo & Hieu Phan, 2020, Journal of Corporate Finance, 64
Type: article
Adam Zaremba, Renatas Kizys & Muhammad Wajid Raza, 2020, Journal of Empirical Finance, 55, 177-199
Type: article