Centre for Geometry, Topology, and Applications


Browse our publications catalogue to learn about our research.
Ashot Minasyan, 2021, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 245(1), 231-257
Type: article
Piotr Beben & Jelena Grbic, 2021, Forum Mathematicum, 33(5), 1179-1205
Type: article
Ashot Minasyan, 2021, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2021(17), 13434–13477
Type: article
Armando Martino, Matthew Tointon, Motiejus Valiunas & Enric Ventura, 2021, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 244(2), 539-588
Type: article
Stefano Francaviglia & Armando Martino, 2021, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
Type: article