Centre for Innovation in Mental Health


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Tessa Reardon, Helen Dodd, Claire Hill, Bec Jasper, Peter Lawrence, Fran Morgan, Ronald M. Rapee, Obioha Ukoumunne, Mara Violato, Emily Davey, Gemma Halliday, Benjamin Jones, Lindsey Martineau, Amy McCall, Natascha Niekamp, Anna Placzek, Ruth Potts, Tamatha Weisser & Cathy Creswell, 2022
Type: other
Katarzyna Kostyrka-Allchorne, Claire Ballard, Sarah Byford, Samuele Cortese, David Daley, Johnny Downs, Blandine French, Cristine Glazebrook, Kimberley Goldsmith, Madeleine J Groom, Charlotte L Hall, Ellen Hedstrom, Zina Ibrahim, Christine Jarvis, Hanna Kovshoff, Jana Kreppner, Nancy Lean, Anna Morris, Walter Muruet Gutierrez, Kapil Sayal, James Shearer, Emily Simonoff, Margaret Thompson, Lukasz Zalewski & Edmund J S Sonuga-Barke, 2022, Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 8(1)
Type: article
Hussein El Ayoubi, Servane Barrault, Adrien Gateau, Samuele Cortese, Julie Frammery, Elodie Mollat, Fréderique Bonnet-brilhault, Marie Grall-bronnec, Nicolas Ballon & Paul Brunault, 2022, Appetite, 168
Type: article