Centre for Innovation in Mental Health


Explore our extensive library of research publications to learn about our work in depth.
J. Junker, B.D. Berman, J. Hall, D. Wahba, V. Brandt, J.S. Perlmutter, J. Jankovic, I.A. Malaty, A.W. Shukla, S.G. Reich, A.J. Espay, K.R. Duque, N. Patel, E. Roze, M. Vidailhet, H.A. Jinnah & N. Bruegemann, 2021, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 92(6), 622-628
Type: article
Christoph Correll, Samuele Cortese, Giovanni Croatto, Francesco Monaco, Damir Krinitski, Gonzalo Arrondo, Edoardo G. Ostinelli, Caroline Zangani, Michele Fornaro, Andrés Estradé, Paolo Fusar-Poli, Andre F. Carvalho & Marco Solmi, 2021, World Psychiatry, 20(2), 244-275
Type: article
Stephen Faraone, Jeffrey Newcorn, Andrea Cipriani, Daniel Brandeis, Anna Kaiser, Sarah Hohmann, Alexander Haege & Samuele Cortese, 2021, Molecular Psychiatry
Type: review