Centre for Innovation in Mental Health


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Lin Li, Zheng Chang, Jiangwei Sun, Miguel Garcia-Argibay, Ebba Du Rietz, Maja Dobrosavljevic, Isabell Brikell, Tomas Jernberg, Marco Solmi, Samuele Cortese & Henrik Larsson, 2022, World Psychiatry, 21(3), 452-459
Type: article
Marco Solmi, Minjin Song, Dong Keon Yon, Seung Won Lee, Eric Fombonne, Min Seo Kim, Seoyeon Park, Min Ho Lee, Jimin Hwang, Roberto Keller, Ai Koyanagi, Louis Jacob, Elena Dragioti, Lee Smith, Christoph U. Correll, Paolo Fusar-poli, Giovanni Croatto, Andre F. Carvalho, Jae Won Oh, San Lee, Corentin J. Gosling, Keun-ah Cheon, Dimitris Mavridis, Che-sheng Chu, Chih-sung Liang, Joaquim Radua, Laurent Boyer, Guillaume Fond, Jae Il Shin & Samuele Cortese, 2022, Molecular Psychiatry, 27(10), 4172-4180
Type: article
Karen O'Farrell, Larissa Cunningham, Brettany Hartwell & Jana Kreppner, 2022, International Journal of Nurture Education, 8
Type: article
Anna Pech De Laclause, Christine Gétin, Éric Konofal, Samuele Cortese & Michel Lecendreux, 2022, Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 27(3), 312-317
Type: article