Centre for Research on Work and Organisations


Browse our publications catalogue to learn about our research.
Jane Parry, Zoe Young, Stephen Bevan, Michail Veliziotis, Yehuda Baruch, Mina Beigi, Zofia Bajorek, Sarah Richards & Chira Tochia, 2022
Type: report
Yehuda Baruch & Sherry E. Sullivan, 2022, Career Development International, 27(1), 135-159
Type: review
Matthew Sinnicks, 2021, Journal of Business Ethics, 174(2), 263-274
Type: article
Craig Reeves & Matthew Sinnicks, 2021, Business Ethics Quarterly, 31(4), 500
Type: article
William E. Donald, Melanie J. Ashleigh & Yehuda Baruch, 2021, Personnel Review, 51(9), 2201-2221
Type: article