The India Centre for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development


Browse our publications catalogue to learn about our research.
Shruti Koparkar, Leena Srivastava, Karuna Randhir, Kamini Dangat, Hemlata Pisal, Vrushali Kadam, Nandini Malshe, Nisha Wadhwani, Sanjay Lalwani, K. Srinivasan, Kalyanaraman Kumaran, Caroline Fall & Sadhana R. Joshi, 2021, Child Neuropsychology
Type: article
Bikash Parida, Somnath Bar, Gareth Roberts, Shyama Prasad Mandal, Arvind Pandey, Manoj Kumar & Jadunandan Dash, 2021, Environmental Research, 199, 111280
Type: article
Polly Hardy-Johnson, Preeti Dhuria, Sofia Strommer, Susie Weller, Mary Barker & Caroline Fall, 2021, Public Health Nutrition, 24, 5288–5298
Type: article