Institute of Developmental Sciences


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Esra Bozbas, Ruihan Zhou, Shin Soyama, Keith Allen-Redpath, Joanne L. Mitchell, Helena L. Fisk, Philip C. Calder, Chris Jones, Jonathan M. Gibbins, Roman Fischer, Svenja Hester & Parveen Yaqoob, 2024, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 119(5), 1175-1186
Type: article
Luke Slade, Colleen S. Deane, Nathaniel J. Szewczyk, Timothy Etheridge & Matthew Whiteman, 2024, Pharmacological Research, 203
Type: article
Alex Daly, Lydia Newman, Alexandra Thomas, Alicia Munro, Cameron Spence, Joe Long, Jonathan Arnott, Kesta Durkin, David Layfield, Adam Heetun, Stephen Wootton, Ellen R Copson & Ramsey I. Cutress, 2024, Frontiers in Nutrition, 11
Type: article
Alixe H.M. Kilgour, Matthew Rutherford, Joanna Higson, Samantha J. Meredith, Jessica McNiff, Stephanie Mitchell, Anusan Wijayendran, Stephen E.R. Lim & Susan D. Shenkin, 2024, Age and Ageing, 53(4)
Type: article