Institute of Developmental Sciences


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Dara Bakhtiar, Katarina Vondraskova, Reuben J. Pengelly, Martin Chivers, Jana Kralovicova & Igor Vorechovsky, 2023, Nucleic Acids Research
Type: article
Yoogyeong Oh, Kyungtae Park, Sungwon Jung, Moonhyun Choi, Taihyun Kim, Yoojin Lee, Jae Young Choi, Yang-Hee Kim, Se Yong Jung & Jinkee Hong, 2023, Small
Type: article
Deborah Davies, Katelyn Barnes, Rebecca Williamson, Alison M. Behie, Christine Phiips, Rosalie Aroni, Celia Roberts, Ella Kurz, Danielle Schoenaker & Christopher J. Nolan, 2023, Environmental Research: Health, 2
Type: article
Josh Bilson & Christopher D. Byrne, 2023, Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition, 12(6), 949-952
Type: letterEditorial
B.H> Albergaria, C.A.F. Zerbini, M. Lazaretti-Castro, S.R. Eis, T. Vilaca, H. Johansson, N.C. Harvey, E. Liu, L. Vandenput, M. Lorentzon, M. Schini, E. McCloskey & J.A. Kanis, 2023, Archives of Osteoporosis, 18(1)
Type: article