Scientist looking down and working with lab equipment

Research access

Find out more about how to access our facility workspaces for your research and development projects.

We offer the uncompromising combination of access to flexible, user-configurable workspaces and equipment, alongside a laboratory environment that can safely handle a variety of radioactive samples.

Our laboratory and project spaces are open for access by external researchers from both academia and industry. Ahead of your project starting, our experts will work with you to develop an access plan suited to your brief and budget.

You’ll gain access to a number of flexible spaces designed to facilitate the development and testing of new methodologies and technologies for nuclear and environmental radioactivity applications. This includes the use of radioactive reference materials or radiotracers, and associated radioactive materials handling support.

EXACT has close partnerships with a number of specialist characterisation groups, both within and outside of the University of Southampton, giving you access to our expert analytical services and support.

You can review our technical specifications here. You can also see how our consultancy service can enhance your project needs.

Contact us

Get in touch. Enquire about access or how you can work with us on your project.