Primary Care Research Centre


Browse a selection of our publications catalogue.
Alexander C. Ford, Alexandra Wright-Hughes, Sarah L. Alderson, Pei-Loo Ow, Matthew J. Ridd, Robbie Foy, Gina Bianco, Felicity L. Bishop, Matthew Chaddock, Heather Cook, Deborah Cooper, Catherine Fernandez, Elspeth A. Guthrie, Suzanne Hartley, Amy Herbert, Daniel Howdon, Delia P. Muir, Taposhi Nath, Sonia Newman, Thomas Smith, Christopher A. Taylor, Emma J. Teasdale, Ruth Thornton, Amanda J. Farrin & Hazel A. Everitt, 2023, The Lancet, 402(10414), 1773-1785
Type: article
Sumayyah Ahmed, Abigail McLoughlin Dymond, Michele Correa & Merlin L. Willcox, 2023, BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health, 50(1), 53-66
Type: article
Louise Corcoran, Ingrid Muller, A.M. Layton, Gwennan Rucinski, Viktoria Venkatess, Anicka Sufraz, Sophie Dove, Mark Lown, Beth Stuart, N.A. Francis & Miriam Santer, 2023, Skin Health and Disease Open Access, 3(4)
Type: review
Nick A. Francis, Taeko Becque, Merlin Willcox, Alastair D. Hay, Mark Lown, Richard Clarke, Beth Stuart, Lucy Yardley, Joëlle Houriet, Michael Moore & Paul Little, 2023, BMC Public Health, 23(1)
Type: article
Christopher C Butler, F D Richard Hobbs, Oghenekome A Gbinigie, Najib M Rahman, Gail Hayward, Duncan B Richards, Jienchi Dorward, David M Lowe, Joseph F Standing, Judith Breuer, Saye Khoo, Stavros Petrou, Kerenza Hood, Jonathan S Nguyen-Van-Tam, Mahendra G Patel, Benjamin R Saville, Joe Marion, Emma Ogburn, Julie Allen, Heather Rutter, Nick Francis, Nicholas P B Thomas, Philip Evans, Melissa Dobson, Tracie-Ann Madden, Jane Holmes, Victoria Harris, May Ee Png, Mark Lown, Oliver van Hecke, Michelle A Detry, Christina T Saunders, Mark Fitzgerald, Nicholas S Berry, Lazaro Mwandigha, Ushma Galal, Sam Mort, Bhautesh D Jani, Nigel D Hart, Haroon Ahmed, Daniel Butler, Micheal McKenna, Jem Chalk, Layla Lavallee, Elizabeth Hadley, Lucy Cureton, Magdalena Benysek, Monique Andersson, Maria Coates & Paul Little, 2023, The Lancet, 401(10373), 281-293
Type: article