Research project

Continuously Tunable Optical Buffer

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    Not active


Lead researchers

Dr Peter Horak

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Theory and simulation of nonlinear and quantum optics
  • Laser pulse propagation and manipulation in optical fibres
  • Quantum technology, integrated optics, optical resonators
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Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Jindan Shi, Xian Feng, Zhenggang Lian, Nicholas White, Wei Loh, Francesco Poletti & Peter Horak, 2014, Optical Fiber Technology, 20(4), 395-402
Type: article
Zhenggang Lian, Martha Segura, Nina Podoliak, Xian Feng, Nicholas White & Peter Horak, 2014, Materials, 7(8), 5591-5602
Type: article
Graham Hesketh & Peter Horak, 2013, Optics Letters, 38(24), 5357-5360
Type: article
Jindan Shi, X. Feng, Z.G. Lian, N.M. White, P. Horak & W.H. Loh, 2013
Type: conference
Zhenggang Lian, Peter Horak, Xian Feng, Limin Xiao, Ken Frampton, Nicholas White, John A. Tucknott, Harvey Rutt, David N. Payne, Will Stewart & Wei H. Loh, 2012, Optics Express, 20(28), 29386-29394
Type: article