Research project

Cooperative Classical and Quantum Communications Systems


Lead researchers

Professor Michael Ng PhD, BEng, CEng, FHEA, SMIEEE, FIET

Professor of Next Generation Comms

Research interests

  • Next-generation wireless transmissions
  • Quantum communications and detection
  • Channel coding and modulation
Connect with Michael
Other researchers

Professor Lajos Hanzo FREng, FIEEE, FIET, EURASIP Fellow

Professor of Communication
Connect with Lajos

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Dong Pan, Keren Li, Dong Ruan, Soon Ng & Lajos Hanzo, 2020, IEEE Access, 8, 121146-121161
Type: article
Rosie Cane, Daryus Chandra, Soon Ng & Lajos Hanzo, 2020, IEEE Access, 8, 83693-83709
Type: article
Rosie Cane & Soon Ng, 2020, IET Quantum Communication
Type: article
Soon Xin Ng, Andrea Conti, Gui Lu Long, Peter Muller, Akbar Sayeed, Jinhong Yuan & Lajos Hanzo, 2020, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 38(3), 405-412
Type: review
Dong Pan, Soon Ng, Dong Ruan, Liuguo Yin, Guilu Long & Lajos Hanzo, 2020, Physical Review A, 101(1)
Type: article