Research project

EP/F015631/1 - High Throughput Synthesis


Lead researchers

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Mehdi Mirsaneh, Brian E. Hayden, E. Furman, S. Perini, M.T. Lanagan & I.M. Reaney, 2012, Applied Physics Letters, 100, 82901-82903
Type: article
Xiaole Weng, Jeremy K. Cockcroft, Geoffrey Hyett, Martin Vickers, Paul Boldrin, Chiu C. Tang, Stephen P. Thompson, Julia E. Parker, Jonathan C. Knowles, Ihtesham Rehman, Ivan Parkin, Julian R. G. Evans & Jawwad A. Darr, 2009, Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 11(5), 829-834
Type: article