Research Group


The Electrochemistry Group has research programmes to generate new materials and new electrochemical approaches to energy conversion and storage. This includes research into fuel cells, thermoelectrics, lithium batteries and supercapacitors.


The Electrochemistry group has now been replaced by the Energy and Electrochemistry group

Energy and Electrochemistry group page

Electrochemistry covers many aspects of fundamental science and large-scale industrial processes. Our group has developed courses that are popular with industry and academia across the world.

Our work on the development and application of high-throughput methodologies in electrochemistry has been applied to functional materials discovery for a wide range of applications and for electrode modification in:

  • electroanalysis
  • biosensors
  • biofuel cells

This has resulted in a successful spin-out company, Ilika, with more important work still being sought within chemistry. This includes work with the Advanced Composite Materials Facility. Work in the design of microflow electrolysis cells is enabling efficient laboratory organic synthesis.

Our group is active in the area of templated electrodeposition of nanomaterials and the applications of nanomaterials. Templated electrodeposition technologies, pioneered in Southampton, offer effective routes to new nanostructures which can produce large quantities, or areas, of material at a reasonable cost.

People, projects and publications


Professor Andrea Russell

Professor of Physical Electrochemistry

Research interests

  • Structure/property relationships in electrocatalysts
  • Development and application of syncrotron based spectroscopic techniques for operando characterisation of electrocatalysts, electrode structures, and electrochemical interfaces
  • Development and application of vibrational spectroscopies (IR and Raman) to study electrochemical interfaces and reactions
Connect with Andrea

Professor Andrew Hector

Head of School

Research interests

  • Materials synthesis, including metal nitrides, thin film materials, sol-gel and solvothermal processes and porous structures.
  • Materials characterisation – powder and thin film diffraction, microscopy and spectroscopy techniques.
  • Electrochemistry, including charge storage in battery and supercapacitor type cells, and electrodeposition of various materials. 

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Andrew

Dr Guy Denuault

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Oxygen reactions in electrocatalysis
  • Theory and applications of nanoelectrodes, microelectrodes and nanostructured microelectrodes
  • Theory and applications of scanning electrochemical microscopy

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Dr Iris Nandhakumar

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Scanning Probe Microscopy
  • Carbon nanotubes
  • Nanoscale materials

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Dr Marianna Casavola

Research Fellow in Materials Synthesis
Connect with Marianna

Dr Mark Stockham

Research Fellow
Connect with Mark

Professor Nuria Garcia-Araez


Research interests

  • Batteries

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Professor Peter Birkin


Research interests

  • My work has centred on the phenomena of cavitation; this is both a fascinating and experimentally challenging arena but ultimately this work has led to a number of exploitable technologies.

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Peter

Professor Philip Bartlett

Professor of Chemistry

Research interests

  • Electrochemistry
  • Bioelectrochemistry
  • Templated electrodeposition of nanomaterials
Connect with Philip

Dr Sam Perry PhD, FHEA, MRSC

Teaching Fellow in Chemistry

Research interests

  • Chemistry Education
  • Sustainable practices
  • Carbon sequestration
Connect with Sam
My work has centred on the phenomena of cavitation; this is both a fascinating and experimentally challenging arena but ultimately this work has led to a number of exploitable technologies.