Research project

EP/F05534X/1 - Plasmonic Interactions in Nano-Structured Voids


Lead researchers

Professor Philip Bartlett

Professor of Chemistry

Research interests

  • Electrochemistry
  • Bioelectrochemistry
  • Templated electrodeposition of nanomaterials
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Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Fu Min Huang, Jatin K. Sinha, Nicholas Gibbons, Philip Bartlett & Jeremy J. Baumberg, 2012, Applied Physics Letters, 100(19), 193107-[4pp]
Type: article
Nicolás G. Tognalli, Alejandro Fainstein, Ernesto J. Calvo, Mamdouh Abdelsalam & Philip N. Bartlett, 2012, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116(5), 3414-3420
Type: article
N.N. Lal, B.F. Soares, J.K. Sinha, F. Huang, S. Mahajan, P. N. Bartlett, N. C. Greenham & J. J. Baumberg, 2011, Optics Express, 19(12), 11256-11263
Type: article
Jonathon D. Speed, Robert P. Johnson, James T. Hugall, Niraj N. Lal, Philip N. Bartlett, Jeremy J. Baumberg & Andrea E. Russell, 2011, Chemical Communications, 47(22), 6335-6337
Type: article
Fu Min Huang, Dean Wilding, Jonathon D. Speed, Andrea E. Russell, Philip N. Bartlett & Jeremy J. Baumberg, 2011, Nano Letters, 11(3), 1221-1226
Type: article