Research project

Realising the potential of cryogenic magic-angle spinning NMR


Lead researchers

Professor Malcolm Levitt

Professor of Chemistry

Research interests

  • Magnetic Resonance
  • Endofullerenes
Connect with Malcolm
Other researchers

Professor Yifeng Yang

Prof. of Cryogenics & Superconductivity

Research interests

  • Superconducting devices and machines
  • Enabling sciences of applied superconductivity
  • Material properties at low temperature for applications
Connect with Yifeng

Dr Joern Werner

Reader in Structural Biology
Connect with Joern

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Min Ge, U. Nagel, D. Hüvonen, T. Rõõm, S. Mamone, M. H. Levitt, M. Carravetta, Y. Murata, K. Komatsu, Xuegong Lei & N. J. Turro, 2011, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 135(11), 114511-114521
Type: article
Salvatore Mamone, Judy Y.-C. Chen, Rangeet Bhattacharyya, Malcolm H. Levitt, Ronald G. Lawler, Anthony J. Horsewill, Toomas Rõõm, Zlatko Bačić & Nicholas J. Turro, 2011, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 255(7-8), 938-948
Type: article
Min Ge, U. Nagel, D. Hüvonen, T. Rõõm, S. Mamone, M.H. Levitt, M. Carravetta, Y. Murata, K. Komatsu, J.Y.-C. Chen & N.J. Turro, 2011, Journal of Chemical Physics, 134(5), 54507
Type: article
Salvatore Mamone, Giuseppe Pileio & Malcolm H. Levitt, 2010, Symmetry, 2(3), 1423-1449
Type: article
A.J. Horsewill, S. Rols, M.R. Johnson, Y. Murata, M. Murata, K. Komatsu, M. Carravetta, S. Mamone, M.H. Levitt, J.Y-C. Chen, J.A. Johnson, X. Lei & N.J. Turro, 2010, Physical Review B, 82(8), 81410
Type: article