Research project

Fiberized Silicon A New Platform for Nonliner Photonics Devices


Lead researchers

Professor Anna Peacock

Professor of Photonics

Research interests

  • Nonlinear Optics
  • Fibre optics
  • Silicon Photonics
Connect with Anna

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

P. Mehta, Noel Healy, J.R. Sparks, T.D. Day, P.J.A. Sazio, J.V. Badding & A.C. Peacock, 2011
Type: conference
Neil F. Baril, Banafsheh Keshavarzi, Justin R. Sparks, Mahesh Krishnamurthi, Ivan Temnykh, Pier J.A. Sazio, Anna C. Peacock, Ali Borhan, Venkatraman Gopalan & John V. Badding, 2010, Advanced Materials, 22(41), 4605-4611
Type: article
A.C. Peacock, 2010, Optics Letters, 35(21), 3697-3699
Type: article
P. Mehta, N. Healy, N.F. Baril, P.J.A. Sazio, J.V. Badding & A.C. Peacock, 2010, Optics Express, 18(16), 16826-16831
Type: article
Priyanth Mehta, Mahesh Krishnamurthi, Noel Healy, Neil F. Baril, Justin R. Sparks, Pier J.A. Sazio, Venkatraman Gopalan, John V. Badding & Anna C. Peacock, 2010, Applied Physics Letters, 97(7)
Type: article