Research project

Establishment of a National Network on Musculoskeletal Ageing


Lead researchers

Professor Cyrus Cooper

Prof Rheumatology Clinical Epidemiology

Research interests

  • Key research contributions have been:
  • discovery of the developmental influences which contribute to the risk of osteoporosis and hip fracture in late adulthood
  • demonstration that maternal vitamin D insufficiency is associated with sub-optimal bone mineral accrual in childhood
Connect with Cyrus
Other researchers

Professor Nicholas Harvey


Research interests

  • Lifecourse epidemiology of osteoporosis and fragility fractures
  • Understanding mechanism and development of novel interventions across lifecourse to prevent fragility fractures
Connect with Nicholas

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Nicholas Fuggle, Nathalie Bere, Olivier Bruyere, Mario M Rosa, María Concepción  Prieto Yerro, Elaine Dennison, Fitnat Dincer, Cem Gabay, Ida K. Haugen, Gabriel Herrero-Beaumont, Mickaël Hiligsmann, Marc C. Hochberg, Andrea Laslop, Radmila Matijevic, Emmanuel Maheu, Alberto Migliore, Jean-Pierre Pelletier, Regis Pierre Radermecker, Francois Rannou, Brigitte Uebelhart, Daniel Uebelhart, Nicola Veronese, Mila Vlaskovska, René Rizzoli, Ali Mobasheri, Cyrus Cooper & Jean-Yves Reginster, 2022, Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 34(9), 1985-1995
Type: review
Ilse Bloom, Jean Zhang, Camille Parsons, Gregorio Bevilacqua, Elaine Dennison, Cyrus Cooper & Kate Ward, 2022, Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 34(9), 2031-2039
Type: article
Elizabeth Curtis, Elaine Dennison, Cyrus Cooper & Nicholas Harvey, 2022, Best Practice and Research Clinical Rheumatology, 36(3)
Type: article
Mohsen Farzi, Jose M. Pozo, Eugene McCloskey, Richard Eastell, Nicholas Harvey, Alejandro Frangi & Jeremy Mark Wilkinson, 2022, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 37(9), 1679-1688
Type: article