Research project

Airguide Photonics

Project overview

Optical fibres lie at the heart of our increasingly technological society. For example, they support the internet and mobile communications that we all now take for granted, they save lives through medical diagnosis and interventions using fibre-optic endoscopes, and they enable the mass production of a huge array of commercial products through fibre laser based materials processing.

Within our Airguide Photonics research programme we aim to translate Hollow Core Fibre (HCF) technology from the research lab to a deployable fibre technology, unleashing innovative applications across a broad range of science and engineering fields.

“The ORC has been pioneering the development of fibre optics and advancing communications technology for many years and has an impressive record of using research funding to collaborate with academic and industry partners. The AirGuide Photonics programme promises to push at the boundaries once more. We are confident that the research will uncover more discoveries and lead to world-leading innovations.”
Professor Tom Rodden - Deputy Chief Executive of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)


Lead researchers

Professor David Richardson FREng, FRS

Research interests

  • Hollow Core Optical Fibres
  • Optical Communications
  • High Power Fibre Lasers
Connect with David
Other researchers

Professor Sir David Payne KBE CBE FRS FREng

Professor of Photonics

Research interests

  • high-power fibre lasers
  • spun fibres for control of dispersion, now extensively used in undersea fibre cables
  • the Er/Yb cladding-pumped fibre amplifier used for cable television distribution
Connect with Sir David

Professor Jayanta Sahu

Professorial Fellow-Research
Connect with Jayanta

Professor Periklis Petropoulos


Research interests

  • Optical communications,
  • All-optical signal processing,
  • Novel fibre and waveguide technologies
Connect with Periklis

Professor Radan Slavik

Professorial Fellow-Research

Research interests

  • In recent years, there have been significant developments in lightwave technologies enabling wide exploitation of optical phase, as exemplified in particular by the dawn of Coherent Optical Communications - the key enabler for the growth in the capacity of the Internet. This is due to many key breakthroughs in laser technology (low-noise low-cost and compact lasers), new revolutionary concepts that have recently  been introduced (e.g., the Optical Frequency Comb, the significance of which was demonstrated by the award of a Nobel Prize in 2005), and significant advances in electronics that, thanks to the increased speeds now possible, can accommodate the processing of very complicated coherent (amplitude + phase) signals.
  • Another exciting field is Hollow Core Optical fibres, which guides ligth in a central hole surrounded by a microstructure that prevents light escaping from the core. Although known for over 20 years, only very recently their fabrication enabled them to use their full potential. 
Connect with Radan

Professor Francesco Poletti

Professorial Fellow-Research

Research interests

  • Hollow Core Optical Fibres: design and fabrication
  • Optical Communications: high capacity and low latency
  • Novel active and passive optical fibres
Connect with Francesco

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Zitong Feng, Hesham Sakr, John R. Hayes, Eric Numkam Fokoua, Meng Ding, Francesco Poletti, David J. Richardson & Radan Slavík, 2023, Optics Letters, 48(3), 763-766
Type: article
Thomas William Kelly, Ian Davidson, Charles Warren, WIlliam Brooks, Michael Foster, Francesco Poletti, David J. Richardson, Peter Horak & Natalie Wheeler, 2022, Optics Express, 30(24), 43317-43329
Type: article
Nicolas K. Fontaine, Joel Carpenter, Simon Gross, Sergio Leon-Saval, Yongmin Jung, David J. Richardson & Rodrigo Amezcua-Correa, 2022, Proceedings of the IEEE, 110(11), 1821-1834
Type: article
Di Lin, Duanyang Xu, Jing He, Yutong Feng, Zhengqi Ren, Raghuraman Sidharthan, Yongmin Jung, Seongwoo Yoo & David J. Richardson, 2022, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 40(21), 7175-7179
Type: article