Research project

India-UK ATC


Lead researchers

Professor Lajos Hanzo FREng, FIEEE, FIET, EURASIP Fellow

Professor of Communication
Connect with Lajos

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Mohammad Ismat Kadir, Sheng Chen, K.V.S. Hari, K. Giridhar & Lajos Hanzo, 2014, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 63(8), 4102-4108
Type: article
Zunaira Babar, Soon Xin Ng & Lajos Hanzo, 2014, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 1-11
Type: article
Jiankang Zhang, Sheng Chen, Xiaomin Mu & Lajos Hanzo, 2014, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 63(3), 1204-1222
Type: article
J. Zuo, C. Dong, H. V. Nguyen, S. X. Ng, L. L. Yang & L. Hanzo, 2014, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 62(2), 522-535
Type: article
Jiayi Zhang, Fan Jin, Zhenhui Tan, Haibo Wang, Qing Huang & Lajos Hanzo, 2014, IET Communications, 1-7
Type: article