Research project

Measurement and analysis of bioenergy greenhouse gases - Taylor - EPSRC

  • Research groups:
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  • Status:
    Not active

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Miao Guo, Goetz M. Richter, Robert A. Holland, Felix Eigenbrod, Gail Taylor & Nilay Shah, 2016, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 91, 392-406
Type: article
Robert A. Holland, Kate Scott, Emma D. Hinton, Melanie C. Austen, John Barrett, Nicola Beaumont, Tina Blaber-Wegg, Gareth Brown, Eleanor Carter-Silk, Pierre Cazenave, Felix Eigenbrod, Kevin Hiscock, Tara Hooper, Andrew Lovett, Eleni Papathanasopoulou, Pete Smith, Amy Thomas, Rob Tickner, Ricardo Torres & Gail Taylor, 2016, Energy Policy, 92, 181-189
Type: article
Abby Keable, Kate Fenna, Ho Ming Yuen, David A. Johnston, Neil R. Smyth, Colin Smith, Rustam Al-Shahi Salman, Neshika Samarasekera, James A.R. Nicoll, Johannes Attems, Rajesh N. Kalaria, Roy O. Weller & Roxana-Octavia Carare, 2016, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease, 1862(5), 1037-1046
Type: article