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G. Adamo, K.F. MacDonald, Y.H. Fu, D.P. Tsai, F.J. García de Abajo & N.I. Zheludev,
2010, Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 12(2)
Type: article
Sumeet Mahajan, Robin M. Cole, Jonathon Speed, Suzanne H. Pelfrey, Andrea E. Russell, Philip N. Bartlett, Stephen M. Barnett & Jeremy J. Baumberg,
2009, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114(16), 7242-7250
DOI: 10.1021/jp907197b
Type: article
Nikolay I. Zheludev,
2009, Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 11(11)
Type: letterEditorial
Z.L. Sámson, Kevin F. MacDonald & N.I. Zheludev,
2009, Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 11(11)
Type: article
R. Singh, E. Plum, C. Menzel, C. Rockstuhl, A.K. Azad, R.A. Cheville, F. Lederer, W. Zhang & N.I. Zheludev,
2009, Physical Review B, 80(15)
Type: article