Research project

R Sandberg - UK Turbulence Consortium


Other researchers

Dr Zhiwei Hu

Associate Professor
Connect with Zhiwei

Professor Neil Sandham

Professor of Aerospace Engineering

Research interests

  • Transonic aerodynamics of wings
  • Hypersonic flows with transition to turbulence
  • Flow over rough surfaces
Connect with Neil

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Jaber H. Almutairi, Lloyd Edward Jones & Neil D. Sandham, 2010, AIAA Journal, 48(2), 414-426
Type: article
L. Chen, S.W. Coleman, J.C. Vassilicos & Zhiwei Hu, 2010, Journal of Turbulence, 11(41), 1-23
Type: article
Stephen J. Scott, Aditya U. Karnik & John S. Shrimpton, 2009, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 30(4), 789-795
Type: article