Research project

UKRI-India Future networks initiative


Lead researchers

Professor Lajos Hanzo FREng, FIEEE, FIET, EURASIP Fellow

Professor of Communication
Connect with Lajos

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Weijun Yin, Zhengmin Kong, Yusha Liu, Yuli Yang & Lajos Hanzo, 2022, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 1-6
Type: article
P. Hoang, H. Tuan, T. Son, H. Vincent Poor & Lajos Hanzo, 2022, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 70, 5624-5638
Type: article
Xinyu Li, Yuanhao Cui, J. Andrew Zhang, Fan Liu, Daqing Zhang & Lajos Hanzo, 2022, IEEE Communications Magazine, 1-8
Type: article
Thien V Luong, Nir Shlezinger,, Chao Xu, Minh tiep T Hoang, Yonina Eldar & Lajos Hanzo, 2022, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 71(11), 11876-11888
Type: article
M. Abughalwa, H.D. Tuan, D.N. Nguyen, H.V. Poor & Lajos Hanzo, 2022, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 71(11), 12374-12379
Type: article