Research project

Voices in the gallery - Phase 2

  • Research groups:
  • Lead researchers:
  • Research funder:
    Arts & Humanities Research Council
  • Status:
    Not active

Project overview

Voices in the Gallery: Phase 2 (2021-2023) explores intersections of voice, art and access.

Led by Sarah Hayden, this AHRC Innovation Fellowship project is being conducted in partnership with John Hansard Gallery, Nottingham Contemporary, Daly & Lyon and the UK Association for Accessible Formats. Additional collaborative relationships have also been established with LUX and Wysing Arts Centre.

Research on the project is giving rise to commissioning collaborations, performances, toolkits, public workshops, and audio-installations, as well as publications and presentations.

As part of her work on the project, Sarah is curating an exhibition of new work by Liza Sylvestre, which will open at John Hansard Gallery in 2022. She is also working with LUX on an exciting project on accessing artists’ film and collaborating with Wysing Arts Centre on a programme titled A Language of Holes.

In 2021, Sarah worked with Nottingham Contemporary and Hannah Wallis to devise a series of talks and workshops for artists and curators, called Caption-Conscious Ecology. With support from ArtFund, they are now developing a Caption-Conscious Ecology commissioning project. With Hannah Wallis, she is co-leading a new Art of Captioning British Art Network research group.

Through these activities, the project is exploring the relations—variously fluent and frustrating, definitely in flux—between speech, text, technology and access in art.


Lead researchers

Professor Sarah Hayden

Professor of Experimental Writing & Art

Research interests

  • Voice
  • Experimental Poetics
  • Artists' Moving Image
Connect with Sarah

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups