Dr Tahir M. Nisar is Professor of Strategy and Economic Organization and Behaviour at the Southampton Business School. Dr Nisar is currently working on AI machine learning, governance and leadership, and entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial finance. His research on Deploying AI (Artificial Intelligence) Technologies for Business Value: Opportunities and Constraints has been funded by a grant from Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF). Dr Nisar’s papers have been published in leading scientific journals, such as Journal of Corporate Finance, Small Business Economics, British Journal of Management, Journal of Retailing, and Information Technology and People. Dr Nisar is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA). Dr Nisar is the Associate Editor for Management Decision, and on the editorial boards for a number of academic journals including European Journal of Marketing.
Tahir is listed in Stanford University's new Database of Top 2% Rankings of Scientists in the World.
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Research interests
- Crowdfunding
- AI Automation
- Social Media
- Entrepreneurship & Strategy
- Organizational Dynamics & Behavior
Current research
Tahir's current research involves the following:
UK Innovation KTP Project (Execview): Gamification, agent motivation and job design. The goal of this project is to develop gamification techniques that will improve agent motivation at the workplace. Execview is a London-based software provider firm, catering for the needs of council, housing association, health org, police dept etc. Through an Innovation UK KTP project, the current Execview software is being replaced with an Event Sourced solution, involving gamification techniques and methods.
ESRC Impact Acceleration Grant: AI, big data analytics and machine learning in the service sector. The research project applies data and machine learning at multiple steps in the insurance and financial services lifecycle; the aim is to evaluate and develop data services and machine learning in various steps in the insurance and financial services provision process; develop a suite of next generation knowledge services to further drive productivity and competitive advantage for the insurance and finance industry, based on the use of AI, data and machine learning; and develop a constructive approach for data analysis based on a given data set. The project uses Claritum data to create supply chain management related categories so as to improve efficiencies in the company’s relationships with its clients and customers.
Governance and Leadership: AI automation and future of work. Currently working with industry leaders to help Alan Turing Institute (ATI) develop their AI and Future Work program. The program will explore the impact of AI and automation on jobs and productivity. Our current work is looking at how AI and machine learning may affect business communications, collaboration, customer service, and marketing and sales experiences and initiatives. Specifically, we identify the new emerging work and work related models whereby AI can enhance worker experience, and help managers & workers be more efficient and effective. The sectors we focus on are mainly Insurance and Financial Services and Health (NHS).
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Research projects
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Tahir is currently teaching the following subjects:
Organization & Management
Strategy & Behavior
Human Resource Management
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Tahir's papers have been published in leading scientific journals, such as Journal of Corporate Finance, Small Business Economics, Journal of Retailing, Information Technology and People, and Computers in Human Behavior. He has written a book on ‘Smartphones and App Implementations for Improving Productivity’. His book, ‘Investor Engagement: Investors and Management Practice under Shareholder Value’, co-authored with Roderick Martin and Peter Casson (Oxford University Press, 2007), has been widely acclaimed as one of the best books written on capitalist economic systems. His research has won him numerous awards, including a Whitehall Fellowship (HM Treasury, Inland Revenues), ISPI Award of Excellence for Handbook of Improving Performance in the Workplace, and Highly Commended Paper Award, presented by Emerald Publishers. The Advertising Foundation USA and Journal of Advertising Research awarded his paper on ‘Attribution Modeling’ the 2018 Best Finalist Paper Award. His paper on ‘Twitter as a Tool for Forecasting Stock Market Movements: A Short-window Event Study’ is the most downloaded paper from the Journal's website.
He is a founding member of the ESRC National Center for Research Methods, and previously worked for the United Nation Economic and Social Council, New York on revised National Accounts Systems. He has led several research projects awarded by both national and international bodies, such as the ESRC, EPSRC and UK Innovation (KTP knowledge transfer partnership project). He regularly contributes to international academic conferences and workshops in areas such as governance, strategy and finance.
- Stanford 2% Global Scientist Citation Rankings (2021)
- Awarded the 2018 Finalist Best Paper Award, Attribution Modeling and Digital Advertising: An Empirical Study, Journal of Advertising Research, The Advertising Foundation USA & JAR (2018)
- ISPI Award of Excellence for Handbook of Improving Performance in the Workplace (Chapter on “Employee and Executive Compensation”) http://www.performancexpress.org/2011/03/ispi-recognizes-excellence-in-the-field-of-hpt/ (2011)
- Highly Commended Award, presented by Emerald Publishers on “Performance Effects of Venture Capital Firm Networks,” published in Management Decision (with P Abell), *Guest Editor, Management Decision, special issue on The Influence of Finance on Company Management, Vol. 33, No 3 (2008)
- Whitehall Placement Fellowship, Inland Revenue, HM Treasury, UK (2002)
- Stanford 2% Global Scientist Citation Rankings (2021)
- Awarded the 2018 Finalist Best Paper Award, Attribution Modeling and Digital Advertising: An Empirical Study, Journal of Advertising Research, The Advertising Foundation USA & JAR (2018)
- ISPI Award of Excellence for Handbook of Improving Performance in the Workplace (Chapter on “Employee and Executive Compensation”) http://www.performancexpress.org/2011/03/ispi-recognizes-excellence-in-the-field-of-hpt/ (2011)
- Highly Commended Award, presented by Emerald Publishers on “Performance Effects of Venture Capital Firm Networks,” published in Management Decision (with P Abell), *Guest Editor, Management Decision, special issue on The Influence of Finance on Company Management, Vol. 33, No 3 (2008)
- Whitehall Placement Fellowship, Inland Revenue, HM Treasury, UK (2002)
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