Dr Claire Jackson is a Senior Research Fellow and primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) scientist at the University of Southampton, Faculty of Medicine. She is affiliated to the Southampton Biomedical Research Centre, Institute for Life Sciences and is based at the University Hospitals Southampton NHS Foundation Trust with an honorary NHS contract.
Claire was elected to Univerity of Southampton Senate (2022), leads the PCD diagnostic laboratory, line manages two staff and supervises several postgraduate students.
She has acted on several committees at the University of Southampton contributing to the Athena SWAN silver application SAT committee, the Faculty of Medicine Postdoctoral Association committee and Mentoring sub-committee.
Claire was recently awarded 'Engager Mentor' Accreditation by leading, delivering and inspiring others in public engagement in medical research. Claire is shortlisted for a 2022 Vice Chancellor's award for 'Inspiring Leadership'.
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At the University of Southamtpon CIaire has been a Foundations of medicine tutor, and MSc Allergy student groups facilitator multiple times. As a tutor she developed and delivered a series of workshops enabling new medicine students to appraise literature, understand plagerism, network, plan essays and develop citation skills. Claire marked and delivered essay feedback to support the new students to develop their writing skills. As a facilitator CIaire enabled groups of MSc students from different professional backgrounds to interact and work effectively online, and gave feedback on assessed group presentations and task performamnce. Claire developed people management and pastoral care skills and ensured that interactions were professional, effective and respectful.
Claire has carried our many different public outreach projects such as 'bringing microscopy to life', 'the cilia flash mob', and 'PCD lab live'. These activities have either been arrange in partnership with the PCD Support UK charity or as part of the University of Southampton schools outreach or Science and Engineering Festival including links to the Global Network for Anti-Microbial Resistance and Infection Prevention project. Claire has supported the Lifelab secondary schools project and provided 'meet the scientist' sessions to young students.
Claire regularly marks MMedSci and BMedSci project reports and scores presentation performances for student assessments.
CIaire has been embedded in Faculty of Medicine activities; she has planned seminar series for the Clinical and Experimental Sciences division and provided peer mentoring meetings for postdoctoral researchers. As part of the Postdoctoral Association Committee she invited and hosted guest speakers, and developed postgraduate training opportunities (e.g., Elsevier Publishing workshop). CIaire regularly supports the annual Faculty of Medicine conference by judging abstracts and recently the new research elevator pitch performances.
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Dr Claire Jackson is a Senior Research Fellow within the primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) group and is affiliated to the University of Southampton Faculty of Medicine (within Clinical and Experimental Sciences). She holds an honorary contract with the University Hospitals Southampton NHS Foundation Trust. Claire is also an affiliated member of the NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre, the Institute for Life Sciences, and the Global Network for Anti-Microbial Resistnace and Infection Prevention.
Since 2007, Dr Claire Jackson works closely with the Southampton Biomedical Imaging Unit and has developed specialist PCD diagnostic testing, particularly high-speed video microscopsy imaging of cilia and airway culture modelling. This culture platform has provided a bio-resource of rare airway samples and has been used to test the effects of drugs (e.g., premature stop codon read-though therapies, complex sugars to block pseudomonas lectin, and antibiotics with nitric oxide donors), examine bacterial and respiratory viral infections, and was instrumental in the discovery of short ACE2 isoform in airway epithelial cells (published in Nature Genetics 2021; also presented at the European Resiratory Society Congress and in a Nature Microbiology Community blog). Claire is currently developing a library of CRISPR edited PCD cell lines to support international PCD research efforts.
Claire is internationally and nationally networked via http://beat-pcd.squarespace.com, https://europeanlung.org, https://www.cilianetwork.org.uk, https://pcdsupport.org.uk and within the NHS England commissioned PCD national service; and she was cited a top 10 twitter influencer (@_Claire_Jackson) at the European Respiratory Society Congress in 2021.
- Iain Cameron Research Publication Prize (2021)
- PERu Innovation Prize (2016)
- Dean’s Citizenship Award (2016)
- BLF & BLF/BPRS travel fellowship (2015)
- Best oral presentation (2015)
- Best poster prize (2012)
- Best oral presentation (2007)
- Best oral presentation (2004)
- Accredited 'Engager Mentor' (2022)
- Iain Cameron Research Publication Prize (2021)
- PERu Innovation Prize (2016)
- Dean’s Citizenship Award (2016)
- BLF & BLF/BPRS travel fellowship (2015)
- Best oral presentation (2015)
- Best poster prize (2012)
- Best oral presentation (2007)
- Best oral presentation (2004)
- Accredited 'Engager Mentor' (2022)
You can update your biography section in Pure (opens in a new tab). Select your ‘Personal’ tab then ‘Edit profile’. Under the heading, and ‘Curriculum and research description’, select ‘Add profile information’. In the dropdown menu, select - ‘Biography’. Aim for no more than 400 words.
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