Otto Muskens is Professor of Physics and leader of the Integrated Nanophotonics group. His research interests range from nanophotonics and metamaterials to silicon integrated photonics and bionanophotonics. Research in his team combines numerical and AI-enabled design, development of advanced materials, nanofabrication, and cutting-edge optical experiments. He has led as a PI a grant portfolio of >£4 million and co-I grants of >£15 million. His funding includes grants from EPSRC, BBSRC, The Leverhulme Trust, Royal Society and Dstl/DASA. From 2012-2017 he held a prestigious EPSRC Early Career fellowship. He was co-investigator on two EPSRC Program Grants on photonic metamaterials, metadevices and metasystems, and PI on two EU projects on the development of metasurfaces for radiative cooling in space.
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