Edit your staff profile

Your staff profile is made up of information taken from systems including Pure and Subscribe.  This page explains how to update each section of your profile.

Dr Aravinthan Varatharaj

Associate Professor in Neurology

Accepting applications from PhD students.

Connect with Aravinthan

Profile photo 
Upload your profile photo in Subscribe (opens in a new tab). Your profile photo in Pure is not linked to your public staff profile. Choose a clear, recent headshot where you are easily recognisable. Your image should be at least 340 by 395 pixels. 

To change your name or prefix title contact Ask HR (opens in new tab)  If you want to update an academic title you'll need to provide evidence e.g. a PhD certificate. The way your name is displayed is automatic and cannot be changed. You can also update your post-nominal letters in Subscribe (opens in a new tab).

Job title 
Raise a request through ServiceNow (opens in a new tab) to change your job title (40 characters maximum) unless you're on the ERE career pathway. If you're on the ERE path you can not change your main job title, but you can request other minor updates through Ask HR (opens in new tab). If you have more than one post only your main job title will display here, but you can add further posts or roles in other sections of your profile.

Research interests (for researchers only) 
Add up to 5 research interests. The first 3 will appear in your staff profile next to your name. The full list will appear on your research page. Keep these brief and focus on the keywords people may use when searching for your work. Use a different line for each one.

In Pure (opens in a new tab), select ‘Edit profile’. Under the heading 'Curriculum and research description', select 'Add profile information'. In the dropdown menu, select 'Research interests: use separate lines'.

Contact details 
Add or update your email address, telephone number and postal address in Subscribe (opens in a new tab). Use your University email address for your primary email. 

You can link to your Google Scholar, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts through Pure (opens in a new tab). Select ‘Edit profile’.  In the 'Links' section, use the 'Add link' button. 

Create or connect your ORCID ID in Pure (opens in a new tab). Select ‘Edit profile’ and then 'Create or Connect your ORCID ID'.

Accepting PhD applicants (for researchers only) 
Choose to show whether you’re currently accepting PhD applicants or not in Pure (opens in a new tab). Select ‘Edit profile’. In the 'Portal details' section, select 'Yes' or 'No' to indicate your choice. 


I am a clinical academic neurologist with a subspecialist interest in multiple sclerosis. My clinical practice is based at Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

My research interests include:

  • The impact of systemic infection on the brain, in particular how this affects people with neurological diseases. Systemic infections are the most common cause of hospital admission for people with neurological disease and are associated with poor outcomes. I am the Chief Investigator of the MRC-funded SIBIMS study which is looking at multiple sclerosis in particular.
  • Blood-brain barrier (BBB) health, and its measurement for research and clinical use with dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI, which I set up in Southampton. BBB disruption may explain how systemic infection and inflammation affects brain function. This technique can also help guide treatments for multiple sclerosis and I am exploring this in the EQUANIMS study, in collaboration with the Institute for Medical Imaging and Visualisation at Bournemouth University. In the PEBBAL study we are investigating use in Alzheimer's disease (funded by the Alzheimer's Society) . Meanwhile in the upcoming SUNLIGHT study I will be testing if we can use this for people with traumatic brain injury (funded by Ferblanc).
  • Regional differences in cerebral blood vessels, and how this impacts differential susceptibility to disease. I have an interdisciplinary collaboration with Professor Zudi Lu (City University of Hong Kong) and Dr Chao Zheng to investigate this using spatial statistics.
  • Neurological complications of COVID-19. I co-founded the CoroNerve Studies Group which led the first nationwide surveillance programme for neurological complications of COVID-19. I provide medical advice to Headway about brain injury related to Covid.
  • Clinical trials in multiple sclerosis, and I am currently involved in Southampton's recruitment for OCTOPUS, a major new treatment trial for people with progressive MS.


I am also interested in how medicine, particularly neurology, is represented in literature. I have written on the works of Graham Greene, and Ian Fleming, and appeared on BBC Radio 4 discussing Arthur Conan Doyle.

I contribute to public understanding of research through work with the Science Media Centre.

Nationally, I work with the Royal Colleges of Physicians as part of the MRCP(UK) Specialty Question Writing Group, and sit on the Association of British Neurologists Research Committee.

You can update this in Pure (opens in a new tab). Select ‘Edit profile’. Under the heading and then ‘Curriculum and research description’, select ‘Add profile information’. In the dropdown menu, select - ‘About’.

Write about yourself in the third person. Aim for 100 to 150 words covering the main points about who you are and what you currently do. Clear, simple language is best. You can include specialist or technical terms.

You’ll be able to add details about your research, publications, career and academic history to other sections of your staff profile.