Mr Charlie Knight

Mr Charlie Knight

 BA (Hons), MA

Research interests

  • Holocaust studies
  • German-Jewish History
  • Archives and collections

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Charlie Knight is a Wolfson Postgraduate Scholar at the Parkes Institute for the Study of Jewish/non-Jewish Relations at the University of Southampton.

His research broadly concerns the correspondnece between separated members of German-Jewish families during the Second World War and the Holocaust. With a focus on the letter as a historical source, his work highlights the narratives of German-Jewish refugees through both archival and private collections. He is further interested in studies of migration, knowledge production/transfer, the archive, and modern German history more broadly

Charlie's most recent academic article published in Jewish Culture and History, 23/4 (2022) examines the letter collection of Theodor M. W. Hirschberg held in the Special Collections at the University of Southampton. He is currently working on two projects: the first co-editing a special edition of the journal Holocaust Studies with Barnabas Balint (Oxford) entitled 'Transnational Holocaust Studies in Histiry and Memory'; the second co-editing an edited collection with Sandra Lipner (Royal Holloway), Clara Dijkstra (Cambridge), and Christine Schmidt (The Wiener Holocaust Library) entitled Letters and the Holocaust: Methodology, Cases, and Reflections. 

He has published numerous blog posts with the BAHS, EHRI, IHR and the Parkes Institute and has given papers at conferences in the UK, USA, Israel, Austria, Ireland and Germany. Charlie is a member of the 'Migrant Knowledge' International Network based at the German Historical Institute Washington, and was former Joint Postgraduate Representative (with Barnabas Balint) of the British and Irish Association for Holocaust Studies. He is currently an Outreach Fellow at the Parkes Institute and Communications Officer for the German History Society alongside teaching at the School of Slavonic and Eastern European Studies (SSEES) at UCL.